Orangutan Land Trust, Technical Advisor (2012 – ongoing)
liaise with timber and oil palm concessions to support protection and conservation of orangutan and its habitats. For more information, visit forests4orangutans.org.
BogorHHH, Mismanagement Galore (2002 – 2021)
Involved in mismanagement of a local (family) chapter of the Hash House Harriers. Responsibilities
included: Beer-Meister, Grand Master, Hare-Raiser, Hash-Cash, Hash-Sec, and Hash-Trash. For more information, visit telegram.org and facebook.com.
Sekolah Bogor Raya Soccer Team (2015 – 2017)
Assist the management team and coordinate competition and friendly matches.

Home Care (2002 – 2003)
Support of terminal parent.
‘De Gele Rijders’, Truck Driver & Radio-Operator (October 1993 – February 1994)
Military service at the Royal Mounted Artillery. For more information, visit korpsrijdendeartillerie.nl.