[VIDEO] ISCP awareness and socialization civets coffee

[VIDEO] ISCP awareness and socialization civets coffee

To make this documentary film, ISCP interviewed farmers on the Indonesian island of Sumatra who are producing kopi luwak, or civet coffee, which is made from partly digested coffee beans eaten and defecated by palm civets. One farm owner told us that he treats the civets well in captivity, but we show in our film that the opposite is the case. One farm owner says that his kopi luwak is now only produced from civet faeces collected in the wild. It is very difficult to know whether such claims by kopi luwak producers are true. Rudianto Sembiring from the Indonesian Species Conservation Programme urges people not to drink kopi luwak unless they are absolutely not sure that the source of the coffee is civet droppings collected in the wild.

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