Rehash #2191 “P&P Run”

Rehash #2191 “P&P Run”

Once again the BHHH runners were gathered together to do their weekly hash. This weeks hash was located at the dr Chang Villa, it was arranged by #DrunkenPanda and #BMW. As always the run didn’t start right on time and dragged out until around 16.55. Caveman made the move to start the circle and the usual routine goes by.

The run started with all of us going towards the streets. Of course, at some point we turned into a grass-filled field to finally start our hash. As we were about to enter the pineapple garden, #EmEm and #Dankdut decided to head back to the On-Site because they didn’t feel well. With two people going back, we were reduced to a number of 7 runners. Right from the start, we were already climbing up a dirt mount, it took quite a while for all of us to climb and not long after that the sky already darkened. Despite that fact, The track and the view around us were beautiful and pleasing to admire.

All of that was soon interrupted though by the pouring rain. Most of us started to protect our phones and equipped our raincoats because the rain slowly increased, it even lasted until we reached the On-Site.

Overall this run can’t be enjoyed fully due to the bad weather and the timing when we started this run. It could’ve been better but definitely gave us a fun experience walking through the rain. The short runners finally reached the On-Site from the starting point of the long runners. We cleaned ourselves, enjoyed some snacks that were provided and proceeded with the closing circle.

Of course, because #Caveman had started the opening circle, he also ended it. #DrunkenPanda and #BMW were called into the circle and we gave our opinions on today’s run. Even though the circle wasn’t a proper one because most of us sought shelter from the rain, we all gave a piece of our minds to the circle. After thanking the hares of this week’s run, we were back to name ‘baptizing’. This week we had two new hash names, #BigBamboo or BB (Putri) and also #Oreo (Apaw), both of them were really interesting names and after the baptism was finished, the circle ended and we said our goodbyes to one another.

Rehashed by #Aidunno

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